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AI for Home Automation and Security

Is Artificial Intelligence Smart Enough to Protect Your Home?

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we interact online, consume content, and more. Another area where AI is starting to become more prevalent is home security. The international security market is expected to double in size in just a few years. With so many new advancements coming out of the industry, it’s the right time for evolving technology like AI to make its way to the forefront.

Many home security companies are starting to roll-out AI integrated systems that make monitoring your home much easier. With AI at the head of emerging home security technologies, the possibilities are truly endless. Continue reading to find out more about some of the upcoming home security accessories powered by AI that you’ll be able to get your hands on soon.

Emerging AI Powered Home Security Accessories
Self-monitoring home security cameras are probably the most exciting AI powered home accessors you’ll be able to use very soon. With AI, your smart security cameras will be able to detect changes in heat, motion, and range to send automatic alerts to your monitoring system. This significantly changes the effectiveness of home security cameras as now they will be actively monitoring for threats, instead of simply recording the scene around your home.

Building on the self-monitoring security cameras, new AI technology will allow you to integrate your smart home accessories into your security ecosystem even deeper. Smart home products like Alexa by Amazon or Apple’s Siri give you the ability to control and monitor all aspects of your home security framework with voice commands.

AI will also take smart home automation to the next level. Using your phone and other smart devices, you can set pre-determined sequences that enable you home to react to certain situations automatically without a need for your input. This can be something as simple as adjusting your thermostat at a certain time each day, or opening your garage when your smartphone is detected nearby.

Whether it sounds crazy to you or not, security robots are actually already a thing. With advanced features like facial recognition and geofencing, home security robots provide a formidable layer of defense even when you’re not home.

How AI Will Change The Future of Home Security
Home security technology is becoming more sophisticated by the day. With artificial intelligence making its way into the industry with a solid footing, the future of securing your home is about to become a lot more intuitive. Keep your eyes on the lookout for new AI powered smart home security products and accessories, so you can keep your family and property safe hassle-free.

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