The Benefits of Business Fiber Internet Service

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The Benefits of Business Fiber Internet Service2024-02-09T19:23:43-08:00
Business Fiber Internet Service

The Benefits of Business Fiber Internet Service

Whether you are a small business owner or just starting out, the quality of and rate you communicate is essential. Business Fiber Internet Service can make the difference between you becoming a Fortune 500 company or slipping into bottom-feeder status.

A successful business can be measured by its timely communications. By its up to speed marketing, and flawless customer service. So whether you’re in the business of sales or healthcare, your clientele will only continue to grow. Fine-tuning your telecommunications puts money right back in your pocket.

There are plenty of reasons why fiber Internet is better, and the benefits of fiber Internet for business are endless. Let’s break down what those advantages look like and how they can best serve your organization.

Business Fiber Internet Service

Cable internet is a dying breed, and for good reason.

Also referred to as COAX, this internet type is losing traction due to its inability to keep up with higher bandwidth applications today. Fiber Optic Internet has settled into where COAX once lived, growing exponentially. With fiber, your data is sent through light beams in optical fibers versus the classic copper wire electricity conduction.

When you audit your yearly cost average, do you account for the amount of time you’re team spends navigating network connection issues? How about the frequency of having to pay IT for your weekly Internet crisis? Your business can not afford to continue bleeding out. When you choose to switch to fiber-optic Internet, you are taking the most efficient and economic route.

The difference in upload speed between COAX in Fiber Optic Internet is astounding. Cable Internet‘s average upload speed is between seven and 20 Mbps. For fiber-optic Internet, the upload speed can span from 65 to 100 Mbps.

We’re talking about the difference in hours it takes to upload your data to the cloud or your preferred backup service you use in the office. Uninterrupted Internet service is more than possible.

With cable Internet, you run into interference due to loss of power, bad weather, or electromagnetic interference. With fiber-optic networks, the Internet remains active even throughout poor weather. Electricity-based crises will not knock your connection out.

Since fiber optic networks transmit light, they have the upper hand.

All The Advantage

If a 4K TV is on your wish list this holiday season, you’re not alone. Who could possibly deny the warm feeling that the clarity of Tony Soprano‘s face gives you when his nephew does him proud?

Mafia dads aside, your family movie nights are bound to become a little smoother than they normally are without having to pause and buffer Moana for the 12th time.

While 4K ultra high definition has the crispiest pixels on earth, it demands some serious legwork from your bandwidth. And if your cable Internet can’t support it, which it won’t fully, then what’s the point of investing in such an incredible entertainment zone for your home?

And for the gamers in your family, fiber optic Internet speed is essential to a consistent Internet connection. With multiple devices throughout our homes, we consume far more bandwidth today than we did 15 years ago. As the way we utilize the Internet evolves, the quality of the connection we need does too.

A steady signal means multiple people can be streaming high bandwidth services in your home at the same time without the interruption of a buffer. When you spend your hard-earned money on a product, the expectation is that it will work for you. The reliability of fiber optic Internet is free of interference, keeping disconnections and inconsistent service at bay.

The true nightmare of COAX comes into play when you’re expecting a key meeting over Zoom with your investors and you keep breaking up. Your business deserves the ability to function at peak performance when you need it to. And every business owner knows that need is a 24/7, no nap expectation.

Love Your Business 

Although business fiber internet pricing is a little higher than COAX in the short term, your new Internet pays for itself through its magnitude and accessibility.

And you’re not just paying for fast Internet access. Fiber optic cable hones in a whole new tier of security and safety. COAX cable, made from copper lines, can be tapped. And although that’s a small chance scenario, it’s a perfect snapshot of the utility of fiber optics in regards to sensitive data.

Your personal information, and that of your clients, is harder to breach through fiber optic internet.

Fiber optics also afford you the ability to keep your hardware in a central location. Instead of having to wire through walls and closets up and down the stairs, your equipment can be stored in one place. No more goose chasing trying to determine which router or cord is causing the problem. 

Say Hello to Speed

Whether you’re a start-up company looking for long-term Internet investment or you’ve been around the block, business Fiber Internet service is your best-case scenario.

Your clients and revenue rely on your ability to stay consistent and available to all who depend on you. Making the switch to fiber optics means making a commitment to a connection that serves you as well as it serves others.

If you’re interested in learning more about switching to fiber-optic Internet, check out our website and connect with us for more details.
