Home Security Hacker


How to protect your smart home security system from hackers

Smart home security solutions are beginning to take over the market as more and more people look for innovative ways to protect their personal belongings and property. While smart home security systems provide a convenience, enhanced control, and nearly limitless customization options, they also come with an increased risk of being breached or hacked. 


Tech-savvy individuals have already broken into the backdoor security protocols of many popular smart home security systems exposing vulnerabilities in the technology and putting the lives of those who have these systems installed in their home at risk. If you’re one of those people who have a smart home security system or any other smart device in your home that is connected to vital infrastructure, the good news is that you have the power to protect yourself against attacks. 


Below, we’re going to provide you with some of the most effective techniques that you can use to safeguard your smart home security system from being hacked or maliciously monitored. 


Steps for Defending the Integrity of Your Smart Home Security System 


#1 Make your password unique and strong 

The first line of defense to protecting your smart home security system is setting strong password. Experienced hackers target passwords as their first step in an attempt to break into any security system as often times people set simple and weak password combinations that can be deciphered with fairly limited knowledge. The best password is always one which is long containing multiple character combinations using numbers and letters. 


Try to set a password that is unique in the sense of it being very personable so only a limited amount of people besides yourself would have access to this information. A strong password is one of the most effective ways to protect your smart home security system from being hijacked. 


#2 Utilize Two-Factor Authentication When Possible 

Two-factor authentication is a security protocol which requires a special code to be input into your security system each time you try to gain access to its operating system. If a hacker attempts to gain access to your smart home security system with 2FA enabled, they will need the code provided by either a two-factor authentication app or one that is sent to your mobile phone which they won’t have access to. 


2FA is one of the best ways to safeguard your smart home security system from the threat of cyber-attacks and malicious access attempts. 


#3 Always Keep Your System Updated 

One of the easiest ways for a hacker to gain access to your smart home security system is by exploiting vulnerabilities in the firmware. Many smart home security systems on the market today use an “automatic update” feature which ensures that your device is always running on the latest firmware model available however some require you to perform the update manually. If you purchase a smart home security system that does not give you the ability to update the firmware, you need to switch systems. 


#4 Segmenting Your Network Connection 

With most modern wireless routers, you have the ability to perform what is known as network segmentation. This means that you can create a separate network on your main wireless infrastructure which is primarily used for guests who come to your home. This enables you to set a separate password for the segmented portion of your network so that no one has to know the password or login details of your main wireless access point. 


Once you create your guest network, allocate your smart home security system to that network so that if any hackers attempt to gain access to your smart home security system, they won’t have the information of your main network. 


These are some of the simplest ways to for you to protect your smart home security system from being compromised or hacked. Use all of these tips to ensure that your home and family remain safe at all times from cyber threats and those that we face in the real-world. 

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